My Black Suede Shoes
Much better. Not quite right yet, however. A long time ago, perhaps...
My Black Leather Boots
Ah, yes, third time's the charm. And now to start making some sense.
Right... Not bloody - oh, wait, we've done this bit! Onwards!
Quite some time ago, I had a pair of black leather boots. I loved those boots almost as much as I love a certain coat I've come to mention here a few times (and which, by the way, I wore last weekend for the first time since I had the lining changed. And it's still the bee's knees), and I wore them ragged. Now, for some reason, when that happened, instead of just getting a pair just like it, as I've done with just about any pair of trousers, pants or socks I've ever worn and liked anywhere near as much, I got a different pair of boots. Might have been some misguided idea that those boots were unsuitable for the winter, which is silly, since their lithe construction is equally adequate for cold, rainy weather as it is for warmer, drier times. Perhaps they were not in stock at the place where I'd get them. Whatever the case, I ended up buying some comparatively monstruous boots of Spanish design and manufacture. Worst pair of boots I ever had!
Now, that's not fair... Firstly, I have nothing against the Spanish (the French, perhaps, but not the Spanish), as my time helping out two Spanish chaps (of my own volition and for no reward) who came over as exchange students earlier this year will vouch for. Secondly, these boots were comfortable enough. Not splendidly comfortable, but good enough. They held my (still) injured ankle well in place and they were waterproof, which comes as rather silly, since they slip on water like ice on a hot plate. And this makes them very dangerous footwear, especially if the wearer's spine is as frail as mine. Off with them!
So yesterday I went back to the sacred store, where I'd heard the music, years before - Oi! Get out of my blog, Don McLean's "American Pie", as sung by Madonna! Get your own! - so I went to the store where I buy my boots (neat store! A bit like an Army Surplus store, but not quite) and finally got myself a pair just like those which I had had and worn ragged. And today, I put on the best boots I ever set foot in, again. Without furter ado, the 5.11 HRT Urban Boot:

Snug and comfortable, these puppies feature 5.11's unique Shock Mitigation System for a comfortable stride, sprint, skip, hop, jump or tumble, waterproof leather and 11001 nylon, kevlar lined oil and slip resistant soles and will keep those nasty blood-born pathogens off your feet (you know, in case some crazed assailant leaps out of a shady corner and bleeds on your feet... could happen... Not bloody - oh, alright, I'll stop now).
Pax vobiscum atque vale.
ArabianShark has been having some serious fun with Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Premier Edition, which I had to send for from abroad, because it seems you absolutely cannot get it in this wretched caricature of a country I live in. But at least you can still get some good boots.*
* While stocks last. Shark Nibbles, it's employees and associates, including, but not limited to, The Disco-Bar Corporation, are not liable for any consequences of misuse of 5.11 products, such as, but not limited to, envy of proprietary by have-nots, overwhelming style, irresistible sexual magnetism, delusions of grandeur and terrorism. Oh, speaking of terrorism, so the USA have a President named "Hussein", eh? Talk about ironic...
I am so excited to see your blue suede shoes. Well, that boot would be perfect for hiking.
See, this is where I say "Wlcome, first timer!", but then you'll say nothing because you're not here anymore.
Bloody spammers...
I need to hone my html skills (which are pretty much inexistant).
How the hell did the spammer get the links into the text?
Here goes:
Damn, this shit is E-to-the-Z.
Hmm, the IMG TAG is not allowed.
Massive fail on blogger's part.
Hey! No swearing!
No cookies for you tonight...
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